
Sandpiper November Blog Post: Wintertime Watering in Florida

watering lawn

Lawns are a homeowner's pride and joy. A beautiful, lush and green lawn is always a must for Floridians. You may find that despite your best efforts, your lawn is not giving you the desired results. However, when the seasons change, so does your lawn's needs. To keep your lawn looking fantastic year round, here are some seasonal lawn care changes for Floridian lawns in the wintertime, recommended per the University of Florida's research.

How Often Should You Water Your Lawn?

During the wintertime, lawns require less water than they need in the summer.

It is recommended that during winter, lawns should be watered only every 10-14 days. This is a large decrease from the recommended 2-3 waterings per week during summer. Water evaporates much more rapidly during the summer than in the winter, allowing some room to cut back in your watering frequency during wintertime. Overwatering can be detrimental to your lawn's long-term health, harming root systems. Too much water also increases the risk for fungal growth, lawn diseases, and weeds. Additionally, during colder months, grass grows at a slower rate, requiring less water and mowing.

How Much Should You Water Your Lawn?

Unlike how the frequency in which we should water our lawns varies seasonally, the amount of water applied during each watering should remain the same year round. Lawns should be watered with approximately 1/2" - 3/4" of water each session.

When Should You Water Your Lawn?

No matter the season, it is recommended to water your lawn in the early morning. Watering during the afternoon during the hot parts of the day causes the water to evaporate before the lawn is adequately watered. For the wintertime, it is especially important to stay away from watering your lawn during the late morning or late afternoon. Watering at these times of day will extend and prolong the time the lawn is naturally wet from dew, opening up your lawn to risk of fungal growth and diseases. Lawns during the winter already have a heightened risk for fungus due to cooler ground temperatures, so it is best to avoid oversaturating your lawn with water.

Lawn Fungal Issues? Sandpiper Pest Control Can Help.

If you are having difficulties with fungus on your lawn, you can contact our office or discuss with your lawn technician about adding a fungus treatment to your next lawn service for as low as $35.